Troubleshoot Azure Data Factory and Azure Synapse Analytics connectors

APPLIES TO: Azure Data Factory Azure Synapse Analytics

This commodity describes how to troubleshoot connectors in Azure Information Manufacturing plant and Azure Synapse Analytics.

Connector specific problems

You lot tin refer to the troubleshooting pages for each connector to meet problems specific to it with explanations of their causes and recommendations to resolve them.

  • Azure Blob Storage
  • Azure Cosmos DB (including SQL API connector)
  • Azure Data Lake (Gen1 and Gen2)
  • Azure Database for PostgreSQL
  • Azure Files storage
  • Azure Synapse Analytics, Azure SQL Database, and SQL Server
  • DB2
  • Delimited text format
  • Dynamics 365, Dataverse (Common Information Service), and Dynamics CRM
  • FTP, SFTP and HTTP
  • Hive
  • Oracle
  • ORC format
  • Parquet format
  • Residual
  • SharePoint Online list
  • XML format

General copy activity errors

The errors below are general to the copy activity and could occur with any connector.

Error code: JreNotFound

  • Message: Java Runtime Environment cannot exist constitute on the Self-hosted Integration Runtime machine. It is required for parsing or writing to Parquet/ORC files. Brand sure Java Runtime Environment has been installed on the Cocky-hosted Integration Runtime automobile.

  • Cause: The self-hosted IR tin't find Java Runtime. Coffee Runtime is required for reading particular sources.

  • Recommendation: Bank check your integration runtime surroundings, come across Utilise Self-hosted Integration Runtime.

Error lawmaking: WildcardPathSinkNotSupported

  • Message: Wildcard in path is not supported in sink dataset. Fix the path: '%setting;'.

  • Cause: The sink dataset doesn't support wildcard values.

  • Recommendation: Bank check the sink dataset, and rewrite the path without using a wildcard value.

FIPS issue

  • Symptoms: Re-create activity fails on a FIPS-enabled self-hosted IR automobile with the following mistake message: This implementation is not part of the Windows Platform FIPS validated cryptographic algorithms.

  • Crusade: This error might occur when you lot copy data with connectors such as Azure Hulk, SFTP, and so on. Federal Data Processing Standards (FIPS) defines a certain set of cryptographic algorithms that are allowed to be used. When FIPS mode is enabled on the machine, some cryptographic classes that re-create activity depends on are blocked in some scenarios.

  • Resolution: Learn why nosotros're not recommending "FIPS Mode" anymore, and evaluate whether y'all can disable FIPS on your self-hosted IR machine.

    Alternatively, if you but desire to bypass FIPS and make the activity runs succeed, do the following:

    1. Open the folder where Self-hosted IR is installed. The path is usually C:\Program Files\Microsoft Integration Runtime <IR version>\Shared.

    2. Open the diawp.exe.config file and so, at the terminate of the <runtime> section, add <enforceFIPSPolicy enabled="false"/>, every bit shown here:

      Screenshot of a section of the diawp.exe.config file showing FIPS disabled.

    3. Save the file, and then restart the Self-hosted IR auto.

Error lawmaking: JniException

  • Message: An error occurred when invoking Java Native Interface.

  • Cause: If the error message contains "Cannot create JVM: JNI return code [-6][JNI call failed: Invalid arguments.]", the possible cause is that JVM can't be created considering some illegal (global) arguments are set.

  • Recommendation: Log in to the machine that hosts each node of your self-hosted integration runtime. Check to ensure that the system variable is set correctly, equally follows: _JAVA_OPTIONS "-Xms256m -Xmx16g" with memory bigger than 8G. Restart all the integration runtime nodes, then rerun the pipeline.

Error code: GetOAuth2AccessTokenErrorResponse

  • Bulletin: Failed to get access token from your token endpoint. Error returned from your authorization server: %errorResponse;.

  • Cause: Your customer ID or customer surreptitious is invalid, and the hallmark failed in your authorization server.

  • Recommendation: Correct all OAuth2 customer credential flow settings of your authorization server.

Error code: FailedToGetOAuth2AccessToken

  • Bulletin: Failed to get access token from your token endpoint. Error bulletin: %errorMessage;.

  • Cause: OAuth2 client credential flow settings are invalid.

  • Recommendation: Correct all OAuth2 customer credential flow settings of your authorization server.

Mistake code: OAuth2AccessTokenTypeNotSupported

  • Bulletin: The toke type '%tokenType;' from your authorization server is not supported, supported types: '%tokenTypes;'.

  • Crusade: Your authorization server is not supported.

  • Recommendation: Employ an authorization server that can return tokens with supported token types.

Error lawmaking: OAuth2ClientIdColonNotAllowed

  • Message: The character colon(:) is non allowed in clientId for OAuth2ClientCredential authentication.

  • Cause: Your customer ID includes the invalid character colon (:).

  • Recommendation: Use a valid customer ID.

Error code: ManagedIdentityCredentialObjectNotSupported

  • Message: Managed identity credential is not supported in this version ('%version;') of Self Hosted Integration Runtime.

  • Recommendation: Cheque the supported version and upgrade the integration runtime to a higher version.

Mistake code: QueryMissingFormatSettingsInDataset

  • Bulletin: The format settings are missing in dataset %dataSetName;.

  • Cause: The dataset type is Binary, which is not supported.

  • Recommendation: Use the DelimitedText, Json, Avro, Orc, or Parquet dataset instead.

  • Cause: For the file storage, the format settings are missing in the dataset.

  • Recommendation: Deselect the "Binary copy" in the dataset, and set correct format settings.

Error lawmaking: QueryUnsupportedCommandBehavior

  • Message: The command beliefs "%behavior;" is not supported.

  • Recommendation: Don't add the command behavior as a parameter for preview or GetSchema API request URL.

Mistake code: DataConsistencyFailedToGetSourceFileMetadata

  • Bulletin: Failed to retrieve source file ('%name;') metadata to validate data consistency.

  • Cause: In that location is a transient issue on the sink data store, or retrieving metadata from the sink data store is not immune.

Error code: DataConsistencyFailedToGetSinkFileMetadata

  • Message: Failed to retrieve sink file ('%name;') metadata to validate information consistency.

  • Crusade: There is a transient issue on the sink data store, or retrieving metadata from the sink data store is not immune.

Error code: DataConsistencyValidationNotSupportedForNonDirectBinaryCopy

  • Bulletin: Data consistency validation is non supported in current copy activity settings.

  • Crusade: The data consistency validation is but supported in the direct binary re-create scenario.

  • Recommendation: Remove the 'validateDataConsistency' belongings in the copy activity payload.

Mistake code: DataConsistencyValidationNotSupportedForLowVersionSelfHostedIntegrationRuntime

  • Message: 'validateDataConsistency' is non supported in this version ('%version;') of Self Hosted Integration Runtime.

  • Recommendation: Check the supported integration runtime version and upgrade information technology to a higher version, or remove the 'validateDataConsistency' holding from copy activities.

Error code: SkipMissingFileNotSupportedForNonDirectBinaryCopy

  • Message: Skip missing file is non supported in current copy activity settings, it'due south only supported with direct binary copy with folder.

  • Recommendation: Remove 'fileMissing' of the skipErrorFile setting in the copy activeness payload.

Error code: SkipInconsistencyDataNotSupportedForNonDirectBinaryCopy

  • Bulletin: Skip inconsistency is not supported in current re-create activity settings, it's only supported with directly binary copy when validateDataConsistency is true.

  • Recommendation: Remove 'dataInconsistency' of the skipErrorFile setting in the copy action payload.

Fault code: SkipForbiddenFileNotSupportedForNonDirectBinaryCopy

  • Bulletin: Skip forbidden file is non supported in current copy activeness settings, it's but supported with direct binary copy with folder.

  • Recommendation: Remove 'fileForbidden' of the skipErrorFile setting in the re-create activity payload.

Error lawmaking: SkipForbiddenFileNotSupportedForThisConnector

  • Message: Skip forbidden file is not supported for this connector: ('%connectorName;').

  • Recommendation: Remove 'fileForbidden' of the skipErrorFile setting in the copy activity payload.

Mistake code: SkipInvalidFileNameNotSupportedForNonDirectBinaryCopy

  • Bulletin: Skip invalid file name is not supported in current copy action settings, it's just supported with directly binary copy with binder.

  • Recommendation: Remove 'invalidFileName' of the skipErrorFile setting in the copy activity payload.

Error code: SkipInvalidFileNameNotSupportedForSource

  • Message: Skip invalid file name is not supported for '%connectorName;' source.

  • Recommendation: Remove 'invalidFileName' of the skipErrorFile setting in the copy activity payload.

Mistake lawmaking: SkipInvalidFileNameNotSupportedForSink

  • Message: Skip invalid file name is not supported for '%connectorName;' sink.

  • Recommendation: Remove 'invalidFileName' of the skipErrorFile setting in the copy activity payload.

Mistake code: SkipAllErrorFileNotSupportedForNonBinaryCopy

  • Bulletin: Skip all error file is not supported in current copy activity settings, information technology'southward only supported with binary copy with folder.

  • Recommendation: Remove 'allErrorFile' in the skipErrorFile setting in the copy activeness payload.

Error code: DeleteFilesAfterCompletionNotSupportedForNonDirectBinaryCopy

  • Bulletin: 'deleteFilesAfterCompletion' is not support in current copy activity settings, it'southward only supported with direct binary copy.

  • Recommendation: Remove the 'deleteFilesAfterCompletion' setting or employ direct binary copy.

Error lawmaking: DeleteFilesAfterCompletionNotSupportedForThisConnector

  • Message: 'deleteFilesAfterCompletion' is non supported for this connector: ('%connectorName;').

  • Recommendation: Remove the 'deleteFilesAfterCompletion' setting in the re-create activity payload.

Error lawmaking: FailedToDownloadCustomPlugins

  • Message: Failed to download custom plugins.

  • Cause: Invalid download links or transient connectivity issues.

  • Recommendation: Retry if the bulletin shows that information technology'southward a transient consequence. If the trouble persists, contact the support squad.

Side by side steps

For more troubleshooting help, attempt these resource:

  • Data Factory weblog
  • Data Factory feature requests
  • Azure videos
  • Microsoft Q&A page
  • Stack Overflow forum for Data Factory
  • Twitter information about Data Factory